Comanaging California Produce Fields for Food Safety, Pest Control, and Bird Conservation
12:00 PM12:00

Comanaging California Produce Fields for Food Safety, Pest Control, and Bird Conservation

This seminar discussed strategies for conserving biodiversity within California’s agricultural systems, and outlined ways to manage birds and take advantage of the benefits they can provide farmers, while minimizing harms to food production. Click the link below for resources from this seminar.

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Furrow Cover Cropping to Reduce Runoff, Soil Erosion and Weeds
9:00 AM09:00

Furrow Cover Cropping to Reduce Runoff, Soil Erosion and Weeds

While plastic mulch reduces weeds, disease, and increase yields, it can also create problems with runoff and soil erosion during rainy winter periods. One solution to solve this environmental problem is to grow cover crops in furrows between beds. Click the link below for resources from this seminar.

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