BK Farms

Bob and Judy Kuang embarked on a new chapter in their lives when they immigrated to the United States from China. Their journey into farming began at Bob’s sister’s flower farm, where they gained their initial gardening experience after working various jobs in the area, and eventually running their own flower farm. Transitioning from flower farming, they now focus on cultivating fresh Asian vegetables for grocery stores and wholesale markets across the greater Bay Area. Despite having practiced different professions in China—Bob as a ship captain and Judy as a nurse—the Kuangs found fulfillment in their newfound livelihood as farmers.

Today, their dedication remains unwavering as they prioritize sustainable practices while continuing to expand the array of produce options available in the Bay Area. The farm specializes in an array of specialty produce, including different types of bok choy, tong ho, gai choy, gailan, ong choy, Chinese celery, amaranth, yam leaves, and more, selected based on market demand in the Bay Area.


6 acres 

34 years

Different types of Chinese vegetables 

Independent grocery stores, wholesale 

Santa Clara

Bob emphasizes the farm’s commitment to freshness, describing their distribution process as “harvest today, sell tomorrow”.