Santa Clara County Food System Workplan (2021)

Santa Clara County Food System Workplan (2021)

Project Overview

With seven goals and thirty-nine recommendations, this report provides a roadmap which will guide County actions to create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable food system.

In 2020, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors requested a plan for the creation of a comprehensive Food, Restaurants, Agriculture, and Health Access Initiative. The resulting food system workplan is the product of research and stakeholder engagement conducted by UC Cooperative Extension in partnership with County agencies.

Workplan Goals


Enhance food system coordination and leadership


Increase community engagement toward greater food sovereignty


Maintain farmland, increase agricultural opportunities, and enhance farm viability


Build a strong regional food economy where communities and individuals prosper


Improve food security and public health through access to nutritious, culturally relevant, and affordable food


Expand food recovery and composting


Build a constituency for a strong regional food system by increasing food and agricultural education

Our Process

Literature Review

Our team reviewed 29 reports on the Santa Clara County Food System. We aggregated food system trends, available data, and previous recommendations to provide background on each sector of the food system and to identify current and successful work.

Stakeholder Engagement

We interviewed 54 food system stakeholders, representing nonprofit and public agencies as well as farms, restaurants, food processors & manufacturers, and grocery stores. We also participated in food system groups’ meetings to gather input on goals and recommendations.


We received 127 responses to two surveys asking for feedback on a draft list of goals and recommendations for the workplan.


County of Santa Clara

Catherine Brinkley, UC Davis

Jordana Fuchs-Chesney, UC Davis

Team Members

Aparna Gazula, UCCE

Cole Smith, UCCE

Joanne Seavey-Hultquist, Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Jocelyn Dubin, Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Laura Vollmer, UCCE

Lucy Diekmann, UCCE

Samantha Ho, The Health Trust

Sheila Barry, UCCE

Summer Cortez, UC Davis

Susan Ellsworth, Food System Consultant

Project Sponsor


Guest User